Cereals - Growth retardation
Plants are stunted and show purple tints on their dark green leaves, veins and stems. The older leaves, affected first, often senesce prematurely.
Phosphorus deficiency
Spring cereals may show reddening/purpling of older leaves in cold weather. Root and stem damage or poor soil consolidation can cause similar symptoms, too.
Cereals - Growth retardation
Plants are stunted and show purple tints on their stems.
Phosphorus deficiency on young plants
Spring cereals may show reddening/purpling of older leaves in cold weather. Root and stem damage or poor soil consolidation can cause similar symptoms, too.
Cereals - Growth retardation
Plants with P deficiency are smaller than normal and show purple tints on their dark green leaves, especially on the middle of the leaf blade.
K deficient leaves are even more stunted and their tips are scorched.
P and K deficiency vs. optimum supply
Spring cereals may show reddening/purpling of older leaves in cold weather. Root and stem damage or poor soil consolidation can cause similar symptoms, too.
Cereals - Growth retardation
Plants are stunted and show purple tints, especially on the middle of older leaves. Leaf veins and stems are concerned, too. Leaf size is dimished.
Phosphorus deficiency
Spring cereals may show reddening/purpling of older leaves in cold weather. Root and stem damage or poor soil consolidation can cause similar symptoms, too.
Cereals - Growth retardation
Ear size is severely stunted.
Phosphorus deficiency (right)
Cereals - Growth retardation
Growth of deficient plants is severely stunted. Leaf color is a slightly paler than normal.
Phosphorus deficiency in different levels (left) compared to healthy plant
Phosphorus deficiency made worse by
- Acidic or very alkaline (calcareaus) soils
- Low organic matter
- Cold or wet conditions
- Crops with a poorly developed root system
- Soils with low P reserves
- Soils with a high phosphate capacity
- Iron rich soils
Phosphorus is important for
- Better crop establishment
- Improved early root development
- Improved yield
- Even crop maturation