Tomato - Chlorosis
Leaves are small and pale green to yellow in color when nitrogen is deficient. Symptoms are first seen in the old leaves and gradually progress to new growth. The plant appears thin and upright.
With severe deficiency the old leaves become completely yellow or turn brown before dropping from the plant. Stems and veins look purple.
Nitrogen deficiency
Sulfur deficiency is similar in appearance to nitrogen deficiency, however it starts on younger leaves because sulfur is not as mobile as nitrogen within the plant.
Tomato - Chlorosis
When nitrogen is deficient leaves are small and pale green to yellow in color. Symptoms are first seen in the old leaves and gradually progress to new growth. The plant appears thin and upright.
With severe deficiency the old leaves become completely yellow or turn brown before dropping from the plant. Stems and veins look purple. Growth is clearly stunted.
Sulphur is not as mobile as nitrogen within the plant. For that reason symptoms start on younger leaves and progress to older plant parts.The leaves are stiff and curled downward. They develop an interveinal chlorosis turning yellowish green to yellow. Stems, veins and petioles look purple.
Nitrogen deficiency (middle) compared to sulphur deficiency (right) and optimum supply (left)
Tomato - Chlorosis
The leaves of the presented tomato plant are uniformly yellowgreen. This chlorosis usually starts from the mature, lower leaves first.
The plant has a spindly appearance with sparse growth, although the total height is not reduced.
With ongoing starvation the lower (old) leaves become yellow and many develop a purple color before dying prematurely.
Nitrogen deficiency (right)
Tomato - Chlorosis
Leaves are small and pale green to yellow in color when nitrogen is deficient. Symptoms are first seen on the old leaves and gradually progress to new growth.
With severe deficiency the old leaves become completely yellow or turn brown before dropping from the plant.
Nitrogen deficiency
Sulphur deficiency is similar in appearance to nitrogen deficiency, however it begins in younger leaves because sulphur is not as mobile as nitrogen within the plant.
Tomato - Chlorosis
Leaves are smaller and uniformly pale green to yellow in color when nitrogen is deficient.
Symptoms are first seen in the old leaves and gradually progress to new growth.
Nitrogen deficiency (right)
Sulfur deficiency is similar in appearance to nitrogen deficiency, however it starts on younger leaves because sulfur is not as mobile as nitrogen within the plant.
Tomato - Chlorosis
Leaves are smaller and uniformly pale green to yellow in color when nitrogen is deficient.
Symptoms are first seen in the old leaves and gradually progress to new growth.
Nitrogen deficiency (right)
Sulfur deficiency is similar in appearance to nitrogen deficiency, however it starts on younger leaves because sulfur is not as mobile as nitrogen within the plant.
Nitrogen deficiency made worse by
- Low or high pH soils
- Sandy or light soils (leaching
- ) Low organic matter
- Drought conditions
- High rainfall (leaching) or heavy irrigation
- Addition or high levels of non-decomposed organic matter/manure (eg straw)
- Fast growing crops
Nitrogen is important for
- Amino acid synthesis
- Protein, coenzymes, nucleic acid
- Chlorophyll and ATP synthesis