Strawberries - Chlorosis
Symptoms begin at the mature leaves. At first leaves turn pale green. With progressing deficiency they turn uniformly yellow and stay smaller. As leaves age their margins and stalks turn reddish and leaf blades become red.
Nitrogen deficiency
Sulphur and molybdenum deficiencies show similar symptoms.
Strawberries - Chlorosis
Symptoms begin at the mature leaves. At first leaves turn pale green. With progressing deficiency they turn uniformly yellow and stay smaller. As leaves age their margins and stalks turn reddish and leaf blades become red.
Nitrogen deficiency
Sulphur and molybdenum deficiencies show similar symptoms.
Strawberries - Chlorosis
Symptoms begin at the mature leaves. At first leaves turn pale green. With progressing deficiency they turn uniformly yellow and become smaller. As leaves age their margins and stalks turn reddish and leaf blades become red.
Nitrogen deficiency
Yellowing occurs also with sulphur or molybdenum deficiency.
Strawberries - Chlorosis
Symptoms begin at the mature leaves. At first leaves turn pale green. With progressing deficiency they turn uniformly yellow and stay smaller. As leaves age their margins and stalks turn reddish and leaf blades become red.
Nitrogen deficiency
Yellowing occurs also with sulphur or molybdenum deficiency.
Strawberries - Chlorosis
Symptoms begin at the mature leaves. At first the lower leaves get pale green. With progressing deficiency they turn uniformly yellow to reddish. Necrotic blotches occur on the leaf blades. Growth is severely stunted.
Nitrogen deficiency
Yellowing occurs also with sulphur or molybdenum deficiency.
Nitrogen deficiency made worse by
- Low or high pH soils
- Sandy or light soils (leaching
- ) Low organic matter
- Drought conditions
- High rainfall (leaching) or heavy irrigation
- Addition or high levels of non-decomposed organic matter/manure (eg straw)
- Fast growing crops
Nitrogen is important for
- Improved crop development
- Increased yield
- Improved fruit quality