Strawberries - Deformation
Fruits are small with a dense cover of seeds at the fruit tip.
Seed density also can be higher over the entire fruit.The fruit texture is hard and it is acid in taste.
Calcium Deficiency
Boron deficiency also results in small fruits, but they are bumpy.
Strawberries - Deformation
Young leaf blade is crinkled.
Calcium Deficiency
Calcium deficient leaf blades contain less than 0.2% calcium on dry basis.
Boron deficiency causes similar symptoms at the leaf.
Strawberries - Deformation
Young leaf blade being crinkled.
Calcium Deficiency
Calcium deficient leaf blades contain less than 0.2% calcium on dry basis.
Boron deficiency causes similar symptoms at the leaf.
Strawberries - Deformation
Young leaf with necrotic tips. The leaf blade is crinkled.
Calcium Deficiency
The so called tip-burn appears quite often during periods of rapid leaf growth. Calcium deficient leaf blades contain less than 0.2% calcium on dry basis.
Boron deficiency causes similar symptoms at the leaf.
Strawberries - Deformation
Young leaf with necrotic tip. The so called tip-burn appears quite often during periods of rapid leaf growth. The leaf blade is crinkled. Calcium deficient leaf blades contain less than 0.2 % calcium on dry basis.
Calcium Deficiency
Boron deficiency causes similar symptoms at the leaf.
Strawberries - Deformation
Young leaf with necrotic tip. The so called tip-burn appears quite often during periods of rapid leaf growth. The leaf blade is crinkled. Calcium deficient leaf blades contain less than 0.2 % calcium on dry basis.
Calcium Deficiency
Boron deficiency causes similar symptoms at the leaf.
Calcium deficiency made worse by
- Acidic soils
- Sandy or light soils (leaching)
- Acid peat soils
- Soils rich in sodium
- Soils rich in aluminium
- Drought conditions
- Fruit high in nitrogen or potassium
- Large fruit
Calcium is important for
- Stronger plants
- Healthier plants
- Gives plants more resistance to cold weather
- Firmer berries
- Increases storage potential and shelf life