- Apples
- Banana
- Barley
- Beans
- Broccoli
- Cabbage
- Citrus
- Coffee
- Lettuce
- Maize
- Oilseed Rape
- Onions
- Peach
- Plums
- Potatoes
- Raspberries
- Rice
- Soybean
- Strawberries
- Sugarcane
- Table Grape
- Tomato
- Wheat
- Wine Grape
Raspberries - Deformation
Stunted growth, misshapen leaves, poor fruit set. Mature leaves show interveinal chlorosis with subsequent scorching of canes. Splitting of stems may occur occasionally.
Boron deficiency
Boron deficiency can also be induced by low water uptake or other nutrients such us Ca, K, N or P. Leaf levels of 20-80ppm are normal. Oversupply may cause B toxicity.
Boron deficiency made worse by
- Sandy soils
- Alkaline soils
- Soils low in organic matter
- High levels of nitrogen
- High levels of calcium
- Cold wet weather
- Periods of drought
Boron is important for
- Improves bud development
- Improves flowering
- Improves fruit set