Soybean - Chlorosis
Yellowgreen, uniform discoloration of foliage.
Older, lower leaves are affected first.
Plant growth is stunted.
Nitrogen deficiency
Soybean - Chlorosis
Nitrogen deficiency symptoms on soybean vary: the characteristical chlorosis may appear uniformly allover the leaf blade, but can also spread within the interveinal areas.
Older, lower leaves are affected first.
Plant growth is stunted.
Nitrogen deficiency
Soybean - Chlorosis
Nitrogen deficiency symptoms on soybean vary: the characteristical chlorosis may appear uniformly allover the leaf blade, but can also spread within the interveinal areas. Necrotic spots become visible on the leaf margin.
Older, lower leaves are affected first.
Nitrogen deficiency
Soybean - Chlorosis
Nitrogen deficiency symptoms on soybean vary: the characteristical chlorosis may appear uniformly allover the leaf blade, but can also spread within the interveinal areas. Subsequently, brownish mottling extends between the leaf veins and leaf margins become necrotic.
Nitrogen deficiency
Nitrogen deficiency made worse by
- Low or high pH soils
- Sandy or light soils (leaching
- ) Low organic matter
- Drought conditions
- High rainfall (leaching) or heavy irrigation
- Addition or high levels of non-decomposed organic matter/manure (eg straw)
- Fast growing crops
Nitrogen is important for
- Better synthesis of amino acids
- Improved formulation of co-enzymes and nucleric acids
- Increased synthesis of chlorophyll and ATP