Soybean - Necrosis
Ca deficient plants show reduced leaf expansion, primary leaves are often cup-shaped when emerged. Brown spots on young leaves and premature leaf senescence occur.
Calcium deficiency
Calcium deficiency is most common in acid, sandy soils low in organic matter.
Soybean - Deformation
Ca deficient plants show reduced leaf expansion, primary leaves are often cup-shaped when emerged. Brown spots on young leaves and premature leaf senescence occur.
Calcium deficiency
Calcium deficiency is most common in acid, sandy soils low in organic matter.
Soybean - Necrosis
Small brown spots, coalescing to interveinal necrosis on young leaves, and premature leaf senescence occur due to calcium deficiency.
Calcium deficiency
Calcium deficiency is most common in acid, sandy soils low in organic matter.
Soybean - Chlorosis
Interveinal chlorosis on younger leaves due to calcium deficiency.
Calcium deficiency
Calcium deficiency is most common in acid, sandy soils low in organic matter.
Soybean - Necrosis
Striking leaf symptoms due to Ca deficiency: drop-like, whitish to bluish spots occur on the leaf blade. Necroses of the same color expand along the leaf margin.
Calcium deficiency
Calcium deficiency is most common in acid, sandy soils low in organic matter.
Calcium deficiency made worse by
- Acidic soils
- Sandy or light soils (leaching)
- Acid peat soils
- Soils rich in sodium
- Soils rich in aluminium
- Drought conditions
- Fruit high in nitrogen or potassium
- Large fruit
Calcium is important for
- Improved cell division and elongation
- Proper working of cell membrane
- Permeability of cell membrane