Soybean - Deformation
Upper leaves turn yellow and become mottled with small, brown necrotic spots.
Leaf margins are bent down and internodes are shortened.
Boron deficiency
Soybeans are quite tolerant to B deficiency.
Symptoms are similar to K or Ca deficiency and to leafhopper injury.
Soybean - Deformation
Upper leaves turn yellow and become mottled with small, brown necrotic spots.
Leaf margins are bent down and internodes are shortened.
Boron deficiency
Soybeans are quite tolerant to B deficiency.
Symptoms are similar to K or Ca deficiency and to leafhopper injury.
Soybean - Deformation
Upper leaves turn yellow and become mottled later small, brown necrotic spots appear.
Leaf margins are bent down and internodes are shortened.
Boron deficiency
Soybeans are quite tolerant to B deficiency.
Symptoms are similar to K or Ca deficiency and to leafhopper injury.
Boron deficiency made worse by
- Sandy soils
- Alkaline soils
- Soils low in organic matter
- High levels of nitrogen
- High levels of calcium
- Cold wet weather
- Periods of drought
Boron is important for
- More efficient carbohydrate metabolism and protein synthesis
- Improved pollen germination